RAM Infotechnology, ICT partner OM Partners

RAM Infotechnology delivers cloud IaaS services, worldwide, 7×24, for ISV’s, based on Citrix Cloud and Microsoft Azure. This can be combined with the on-premise solutions within the Tier-3 datacenter in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

RAM Infotechnology has taking its extensive knowledge of application delivery on a hosted platform to ‘the cloud’. Taking advantage of the high quality operational environment on Microsoft Azure and using the full potential of the Citrix Cloud and technology, RAM Infotechnology has build a fully managed, high available delivery model that adheres to all business needs. A high level baseline of security and quality is build-in to the operating model.

Application as a SaaS service
A worldwide delivery of the ISV application can be offered via the RAM Infotechnology  solution, Hereby the ISV can provide the application as a SaaS service.  This is growing to be a requirement companies are demanding of their software vendors as part of the ‘move to the cloud’ strategy.

Integration with the as-is ICT infrastructure is easy. By using the user-management solution that is part of the RAM Infotechnology Cloud solution, users can be easily authorized to use the application via a single signon process. The full management of the user-based can remain in the customer’s organisation. Using standard integration services, information is exchanged and the full functionality can be offered.

Additional benefits for the ISV
Delivering the application to end-users via the RAM Infotechnology cloud service has additional benefits. The application does not need to be installed on the customers on-premise infrastructure. Often this requires from an IT-perspective intensive dialogues around software versions, implementation processes, requirements around quality and security, patching and updating of the application. Next to that on the financial level the actions require additional CAPEX, based on estimated capacity planning.

Also from an operation perspective the solutions has benefits. There is one technical design, serving multiple customers. Application updates can follow a structured process & implemented for all customers. The support is easier, taking away all customer specific implementation specific elements that often cause issues.

RAM Infotechnology is able to provide a billing solution that is able to bill specific customers on their usage of IT-resources. Together with RAM Infotechnology the optimal mix between full flexibility and fixed (Reserved Instance) costs can be designed, implemented and managed.

Setup of the services
RAM Infotechnology builds a specific environment for the ISV with separated containers for their customers. The application infrastructure is build up, after which the software vendor performs the installation-process, taking advantage of automated tooling where possible. As soon as the application is installed the customer specific infrastructure (user management, data-connection) and the test-accept-production cycle can start.

The RAM Infotechnology environment uses the Citrix Cloud and Azure services to provide a high quality operational environment and the implementation is easy and repeatable.

This enables full use of the additional services that Azure provides like VPN-connectivity, enabling BI tooling, Big Data etc. Since standards are set and processes often automated, the implementation cycle is very fast.

A secure environment end2end
Servicing Fortune 500 companies, RAM is delivering proven quality- and security levels for the full end-2-end delivery of the services, using ISO27001 certification and being SOC2 compliant. In 2019 all controls related to a cloud-based operating model will implemented to extend the certifications to the RAM cloud based on Microsoft (Azure) and Citrix (Citrix cloud).

Example: Microsoft is ISO27001 certified AND SOC2 compliant. For more details related to security and compliance please see https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/trustcenter/cloudservices/azure  has responded to the Cloud Security Alliance Controls (https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Azure-Responses-to-CSA-46034a11).

From an operational perspective the solution provides options for Single Sign On and/or using Multi Factor authorisation. The user management can be fully kept on the Customers side, using additional security measures for authentication.